歡迎來到 IKE 集團新聞部分,這是您了解我們公司最新動態的入口。 作為熱食品脫水機的領先供應商,IKE 集團致力於讓我們的客戶、合作夥伴和利害關係人了解我們的活動、成就和參與。 在這裡,您將找到豐富的訊息,從我們參加的展覽、尊貴客戶的來訪,到我們充滿活力的員工活動。 請持續關注,探索 IKE 集團的動態世界。
IKE威而信 offers cutting-edge food drying solutions with its energy-efficient and intelligent drying machines. Located just 1 hour from the Canton Fair, our factory provides a convenient option for clients to explore a range of food processing equipment, including cabinet dryers, room-type dryers, and conveyor dryers. This article highlights the growing trends in the food drying industry, shares a success story of a customer optimizing gummy candy production, and invites you to visit IKE’s factory to see our technology firsthand.
IKE威而信 will showcase its heat pump drying system and cabinet food dryers at ANUGA Select China 2025 in Shenzhen from April 24-26. Visit us at Booth 1-K08 to see our latest food drying technology, experience live drying tests, and enjoy exclusive show discounts. Pre-order before the event or schedule a visit to receive a special invitation card for a mystery gift!